Why Seeing Realistic Models Is Important - TAMBERDI

Why Seeing Realistic Models Is Important

6:36:00 AM

Having enough self confidence to bear it all- to be who you are- can be hard in a world of air-brushed images and advertising. Recently, larger numbers of people have worked to achieve a more inclusive advertising industry in terms of the faces we see on a daily basis. The diversity in most mainstream models is typically...underwhelming, to say the least. It's so important to see people who look like you when developing! When you can recognize aspects of yourself in others, you realize that you've got no reason to hide who you are to appease or fit in with everyone else. 

Young people should not have the impression that they need to be all made up on a daily basis just to fit in. Acceptance comes through having a good character and being an involved, passionate person. Media today can be used to spread a message of empowerment and free youth from insecurities they've been taught to have. Media can be changed to work as a force of encouragement that spreads confidence. 

The process of growing up involves a lot of environmental influence. We are born with genetic influences today, and made to be ashamed of them through our environment. However, in seeing other people who share our characteristics and distinctions, culture itself will become more encompassing of everyone. 

Tiffany Amber

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